Model hodnocení QUALTRACK je navržen tak, aby byl přesný a objektivní. Zároveň je to model hodnocení, jehož cílem je přispívat k rozvoji organizací a poskytovat vzdělávacím institucím komplexní rámec pro hodnocení a zlepšování jejich postupů v oblasti kvality. Účastí v hodnocení QUALTRACK instituce prokazují svůj závazek poskytovat vysoce kvalitní vzdělávání dospělých a své odhodlání neustále se zlepšovat a dosahovat vynikajících výsledků.
Když se instituce rozhodne získat hodnocení, podá žádost. Žádost je zaregistrována v online systému. Správce žádost potvrdí a zahájí postup hodnocení a stanoví časový harmonogram. Rovněž zpřístupní tuto metodiku a hodnotící otázky žádající instituci.
Proces hodnocení se skládá z následujících kroků:
An institution does a self-assessment through an online questionnaire, where the educational institution describes the state or processes in the given educational institution. It is important that the institution can prove that it fulfills the basic set of criteria and meets the standard quality requirements and some of the special criteria to earn a badge.
External evaluators will review the evaluation by institution. On-site assessment will be carried out by a trained external evaluator who will visit the evaluated institution and check the veracity of all statements made in the self-evaluation questionnaire
Customer evaluation will be taken into consideration and the evaluator will verify the key statements from the self-evaluation questionnaire among the customers of the given educational institution
Final evaluation. After receiving the report from the Evaluator, the rating institution will have collected all the data and findings necessary for making the final conclusion, ie whether the evaluated institution has met all the criteria and if it receives any special badge
The evaluation process is completed with awarding a certificate. The certificate is valid for 3 years. It can be published on the website, always with the year of issue. The reassessment will be conducted under lighter conditions (to be specified). There will be national registries of certified/rated institutions. The registries will be published also on the Qualtrack website.
One of the basic goals of the rating is to separate high-quality educational institutions from those with insufficient quality. The pilot showed that the rating is also a motivational element for the institutions to improve their processes and standards. Therefore, it is necessary to support the educational role of the rating towards educational institutions, which will ultimately lead to an improvement in the quality of services provided to the customer.
In order to run these processes correctly and in a standardized form, training for the institutions and the assessors will be provided.
The first step in the QUALTRACK assessment process is the enrollment of the educational institution. This decision requires a strong commitment from the organization’s leadership to engage in the quality assessment and improvement journey. To make an informed decision, the institution can familiarize itself with the entire QUALTRACK framework, assessment criteria and process beforehand. All relevant documents, including the self-assessment questionnaire, assessment methodology and other materials, are available online on the QUALTRACK website.